home hair colour


Hair How To, Copper Ombre Hair on Friend in Fashion, www.friendinfashion.com.au

DIY - Hair Colour at home…never fear...here's my how to…

A short while ago, I was invited by Schwarzkopf to participate in their hair colour and styling platform -Style Studio, with the challenge of attempting to recreate an on-trend, copper ombre hair colour look, wait for it…by myself!

 So initially, the thought of ombre colouring my own hair was a little overwhelming, but I've tried and tested a method and now I will share with you my step-by-step guide on how you can achieve this same result, in the comfort of your own home.

Hair How To, Copper Ombre Hair on Friend in Fashion, www.friendinfashion.com.au
Hair How To, Copper Ombre Hair on Friend in Fashion, www.friendinfashion.com.au
Hair How To, Copper Ombre Hair on Friend in Fashion, www.friendinfashion.com.au