

Bali travel guide by Friend in Fashion on Bali travel guide by Friend in Fashion on Bali travel guide by Friend in Fashion on Bali travel guide by Friend in Fashion on Bali travel guide by Friend in Fashion on Bali travel guide by Friend in Fashion on

The Greek Islands - one of my favourite places on earth. 

I'd visited Santorini before, but this trip was my first visit to the islands of Mykonos and Naxos. 

Next, i'll post all my Greek Island travel tips, but I couldn't wait to share with you this beautiful dress, of local Greek label, Lucky Pig

I first came across Lucky Pig, in a great little boutique in Mykonos Town - Sotris. I tried it on, drawn in by the beautiful appliqué and immediately had to have it. 

One of my favourite parts of travelling has to be uncovering beautiful local brands and designers, which upon my return home, remind me of the beautiful memories I've experienced in any particular part of the world. 

My wardrobe is more and more starting to reflect the places I've visited and is a constant reminder of the amazing things I've been fortunate to have seen and people I've met. 

Follow my travels on instagram @friendinfashion, twitter and facebook


carpe diem ear cuff by jasmin on Friend in Fashion carpe diem ear cuff by jasmin on Friend in Fashion carpe diem ear cuff by jasmin on Friend in Fashion carpe diem ear cuff by jasmin on Friend in Fashion carpe diem ear cuff by jasmin on Friend in Fashion carpe diem ear cuff by jasmin on Friend in Fashion

My girl Lilly (@_lilikoi) wears the by jasmin carpe diem ear pin in beautiful Hawaii.

by jasmin (a collaboration by Friend in Fashion x Bahagia) is a collection of fine jewellery designed for the eternal wanderlust - a nomadic state of mind.

Available exclusively online at Bahagia Store.

Carpe diem.

Follow by jasmin on instagram 


As I'm neck deep in moving boxes, I'll keep this short and sweet.

Another travel adventure kicks off for me at the end of this month, where I'll be chasing a European summer, then on to the Big Apple, and for the first time exploring parts of South America.

Most pieces of this outfit will be joining me on my travels, including this amazing vest from my friends at Rtister, which I think will be a perfectly versatile top/dress/layering piece.   

Until next time, you can follow my adventure on twitter, facebook and instagram (@friendinfashion).

Photos / Tim Florea


         Mossman peplum jacket / Robina Akiem bubble skirt / Bahagia rings / Claire Aristides bracelet

As I start experimenting more and more with monochrome, to add interest to an outfit, I've also enjoyed styling outfits with different shapes and silhouettes.

Ordinarily I'd team a peplum with a skinny pant or pencil skirt, but I this bubble skirt, from local designer, Robina Akiem, jumped out at me and was too good to resist.

Peplum meet the bubble skirt.

Photos / Tim Florea


There's nothing I love more than my designer fashion, except for one thing... Designer fashion on sale!

This ridiculously amazing Burberry jacket is my newest leather wardrobe addition, and just between you, and me was an absolute steal - in fact over 70% off!

Trade Secret - which is where this jacket is from, have recently introduced their Gold Label collection, which brings the best designer pieces, without the designer price tags - brilliant.

To my Sydney readers, be sure to check out the new Gold Label collection in-store at Trade Secret's Chatswood store. All the details, including stockists are available at

Photos / Tim Florea