Ruan Kotze


Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on

On my journey to health and well-being, In addition to a more intensive work-out regime, I've also started to pay much more attention to my diet, and more importantly, ways to incorporate as much goodness into my diet as possible.

Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on Fitness Fashion, Health, Nike on

On my journey to health and well-being, In addition to a more intensive work-out regime, I've also started to pay much more attention to my diet, and more importantly, ways to incorporate as much goodness into my diet as possible. 

I thought I'd share with you some of my fitness and health tips.

In addition to regular boxing sessions (I aim for 2-3 session per week), with my trainer Ruan Kotze (F.I.T.E. PT), I try and incorporate some form of physical activity into every day.

When I'm travelling, sadly, I don't have access to my trainer, so I love to head out-doors and make use of what ever is available to me. Walking, running or stretching is possible almost anywhere I find myself and I ALWAYS travel with a skipping rope - It takes up little to no room in my luggage and It's a great way to get some exercise in.
Skipping is also a winner, when I find myself wide awake in the middle of the night battling jet-lag.

My routine when I'm on the go:

3 Minute Skipping
20 x Bicycle Sit ups
20 x Squats
20 x Push Ups
20 x  Burpees
3 Minute Skipping 


Friend in Fashion, Fitness, F.I.T.E on Friend in Fashion, Fitness, F.I.T.E on Friend in Fashion, Fitness, F.I.T.E on Friend in Fashion, Fitness, F.I.T.E on Friend in Fashion, Fitness, F.I.T.E on Friend in Fashion, Fitness, F.I.T.E on
 Private Party Kanye tank | Nike Crop, Shorts, Roshe Run

Never having been particularly fit, I've made it my goal to get into shape in time for summer.

 In the past, travelling has made it particularly difficult to keep any kind of regular fitness routine going, in between different time zones and living out of a hotel, so being back home for a little while has really made this much more achievable.

I've tried a range of different work-out options - from group classes to yoga, but it isn't until I tried boxing that I really found something I enjoyed…a lot! 

 A few solid weeks into training, I still have a long way to go, but after each session, I can definitely see and feel small improvements. 

 I hope to share more of my journey to health and fitness with you as I progress, and will be sharing some of my favourite work-outs on my YouTube (with the help of my trainer of course). Above I share some basic boxing technique, which really gets the heart going!

 I'd love to know what is your  work out of choice, and if anyone else is as hooked on Boxing training as I am!

Follow the adventure at @friendinfashion on instagram